Project HOPE

You were created on purpose for purpose!

Project HOPE

We desire to empower each person that is a part of Riverbend to bring, grow and send disciples in Jesus' name. We believe this is how we grow God's Kingdom on earth. 

We accomplish this mission together by mobilizing the people of Riverbend for significant ministry. 

Be a Part of Project HOPE

Project Hope is an initiative of Riverbend Church to invest our resources and people for the sake of growing God’s Kingdom on earth. We do this by mobilizing church members and partnering with existing ministries to care for the needs in our Gainesville & greater Hall County community. We have been called by God to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, invite strangers in, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit those in prison, and care for widows and orphans (Matthew 25).